Our Village
About Abbots Ripton
Abbots Ripton is a picturesque village in Cambridgeshire, situated in the district of Huntingdonshire which is an historic county of England.
Abbots Ripton lies approximately 4 miles (6km) north of Huntingdon on the B1090 and approximately 20 miles form Peterborough (North via A1) or Cambridge (South via A14).
Village Hall
The village is fortunate to have the village hall which was built by the Late Lord de Ramsey in 1988 for the use of the cricket club and villagers.
Hall Chairperson – Paul Kirkwood 07429 123790
Bookings Secretary – Scarlett Mitcheson 07595 221581
There are regular classes and clubs which use the hall:-
WI – Women’s Institute, President Judy Shrewsbury
Pilates – Core Pilates, Liz Reid – www.corefactorpilates.co.uk
Cambridgshire Sports Physio and Back Care – 01487 773 088 info@physio.uk.net
In the Village
Abbots Ripton Village Stores and Post Office 01487 773221
Andrews Church Abbots Ripton
Rector Mandy Flaherty rector@norleigh.org.uk
Church Warden Valerie Scothern 01487 773213
Abbots Ripton C of E Primary School – www.abbotsripton.cambs.sch.uk
The Elm 01487 773585
Abbots Ripton Garage 01487 773360 or 07483 154 40